Kazem Saedi
Volume 31, Issue 4 , January 2025, , Pages 369-381
Background and objectives: Producing basic knowledge about a rangeland ecosystem is a necessary instrument for any management practice in rangelands. This study is one of the prior attempts to determine vulnerability or persistence of key species in response to grazing in Saral rangeland, Kurdistan province, ...
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Background and objectives: Producing basic knowledge about a rangeland ecosystem is a necessary instrument for any management practice in rangelands. This study is one of the prior attempts to determine vulnerability or persistence of key species in response to grazing in Saral rangeland, Kurdistan province, Iran.
Methodology: For assessing clipping (simulated grazing) effects on important species Ferula haussknechtii, a 0.5 ha exclosure established before 2007 growing season in Zardawan paddock. Inside the exclosure, 40 plants selected of which 10 replications allocated to a specific treatment of ocular clipping of the 20-40, 40-60, and 60-80% of aboveground annual growth. For a precise clipping intensity, the whole clipped and the rest of the forage after the sleeping stage were caculated.10 replications were assigned as control (unclipped) plants. The grazing season in the traditional livestock grazing system called "Shagaldari" is about 3-4 months. Clippings were done every month for the three-month current grazing season in April, May and June. Monthly-clipped plant materials were dried to calculate the accurate clipping intensity as well as the residues of all plants (except controls) at the end of growth season. Each year, vigor, mortality, plant maximum height, yield, and reproductive shoot number measured or estimated. This was done for 4 years. In the fifth year, to monitor the effects of clipping treatments in the resting growing season, these attributes were measured without clipping. Split plot in time was used as the statistical design. During these four years, only one case of death was recorded among the 40 selected plants. Duncan's multiple range test was used to compare the means.
Results: Mean density of the species in the studied exclosure area was 0.41 plants per m2 and in some patches make it was dominant species and sometimes the main species of the vegetation composition. The results showed that only one of the treated plants was dead. None of the clipping treatments resulted to a death case or even decrease in their vigors. The plants that were clipped in different intensities produce the similar weight of annual yields, had the similar final heights (P ≥ 0.01). The interaction treatment×yaer was significant for annual aboveground yield (P ≤ 0.001) but not significant for final height (P ≥ 0.05).
Conclusion: The high density of the species in the ranch, despite the high palatability, indicates the resistance of the plant to livestock grazing. In confirmation of this issue, the treatment of harvesting the annual growth of aerial parts with an intensity of about 70% could not damage the plant. However, the results clearly showed that the rest year should be included in the grazing system of this species. A rest grazing system is an unavoidable necessity for seed production. This species is very important in the indigenous knowledge of ranch management, especially in the traditional grazing system of "Shagaldari". Also, considering the high palatability of the species for native sheep, the abundant presence of the species is a sign of the health of the rangeland and the closeness of the plant community to its climax.
Majid Dashti; Ali Ashraf Jafari
Volume 28, Issue 3 , October 2021, , Pages 493-506
In order to study of forage quantity and quality traits of eleven accessions of two varieties (sub species) of Elymus hispidus var. hispidus and Elymus hispidus var. villosus and six accessions of Agropyron cristatum were carried out in two separate experiments using randomized complete block design ...
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In order to study of forage quantity and quality traits of eleven accessions of two varieties (sub species) of Elymus hispidus var. hispidus and Elymus hispidus var. villosus and six accessions of Agropyron cristatum were carried out in two separate experiments using randomized complete block design with three replications in Khorasan-e-razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center. The seeds of the above accessions were sown in greenhouse conditions at a temperature of 20 ±2 ° C and 5 of them were planted in each plastic pot and after full establishment, the seedlings were transferred to the main soil. In order to, fully establish the seedlings in the main field and ensure the purity of the accessions, the first year of the project was considered as the year of establishment. The results of comparison between the varieties of E. hispidus showed that the villosus variety had higher forage yield, number of spikes and spike length compared to hispidus. In contrast, the percentage of plant establishment was higher in hispidus variety. In terms of forage quality, there are no difference between the E. hispidus accessions. In villosus variety, Chahar-Tagh accession due to high total dry matter (DM) yield (7732 kg ha-1), high dry matter digestibility (DMD) (43.6%), high soluble carbohydrates (8.8%) and consequently low acid detergent fiber (43.7%) was superior to other accession. In species A.cristatum 1727 accession had the lowest height, the lowest forage yield and the highest number of spikes. Among the accessions of A. cristatum, the highest and lowest annual dry matter yield of 12974 and 5692 kg ha-1 per year was achieved in 208 and 1727 accessions, respectively. Accessions 208 originating in Isfahan also had a significant percentage of digestibility and protein. In general, the results of this study showed that the accessions of the villosus variety as well as the 208 accession were superior to other accessions.
Mohammad Osman Omara; Mahmoud Ramroudi; Alireza Rashki; Mohammad Galavi; Mitra Jabbari
Volume 28, Issue 2 , June 2021, , Pages 357-368
Saravan is one of the most date-growing regions of Iran, and the Mazafati cultivar is a high-yielding cultivar of this region. Dust phenomenon in this city occurs in summer, coinciding with the productivity of palm trees. In this study, the effect of dust on the leaves and clusters of date trees and ...
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Saravan is one of the most date-growing regions of Iran, and the Mazafati cultivar is a high-yielding cultivar of this region. Dust phenomenon in this city occurs in summer, coinciding with the productivity of palm trees. In this study, the effect of dust on the leaves and clusters of date trees and its yield in three regions of Saravan, Jalqh, and Rutak with different dust intensities were investigated in 2016 and 2017. Five groves were selected in each of the three areas, and within each grove, five palm trees were identified, and five leaves from each tree were selected randomly. Sampling was done during May, June, July, and August. The results showed the effect of dust intensity on the drying of leaves, leaflets, and fruit marketing. According to statistical analysis, the amount of dust in the study areas during two consecutive years had a significant and undeniable effect on the changes in the studied traits. The results of the average comparison of the total yield of dates showed that the Saravan region had the highest yield, about 210.14 kg per tree, and the Jalqh and Rutak areas, respectively, had 129.57 and 63.77 kg per tree. These results showed about a 30 to 40% reduction in yield of Mazafati cultivar dates in the Rothak region with the highest dust intensity. The results showed the destructive effects of dust on the studied traits.
Naser Ansari
Volume 8, Issue 2 , September 2019, , Pages 1-26
Jamal Hasani
Volume 11, Issue 4 , September 2019, , Pages 365-382
Ghasemali Abarsaji; Seyed Ali Hoseini
Volume 11, Issue 1 , September 2019, , Pages 32-44
Hosein Arzani; Hamidreza Mirdavodi; Mehdi Farahpour; Mojganolsadat Azimi; Seyed Hasan Kaboli; Abasali Sanadgol; Morteza Akbarzadeh; Valiollah Mozafarian
Volume 12, Issue 4 , August 2019, , Pages 409-436
Leili Safaie; Farhang Ghasriani; Babak Bahreyni Nejad; Hosein Zeinal; Davod Afiuni
Volume 25, Issue 1 , April 2018, , Pages 201-215
In order to study forage yield, seed yield and its components in two species of Stipa, 16 genotypes of S. barbata and 10 genotypes of S. hohenackeriana were collected from natural habitats in Esfahan province and evaluated with a completely randomized design with three replications in farm condition. ...
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In order to study forage yield, seed yield and its components in two species of Stipa, 16 genotypes of S. barbata and 10 genotypes of S. hohenackeriana were collected from natural habitats in Esfahan province and evaluated with a completely randomized design with three replications in farm condition. Based on the results, there was a significant difference between two species for most of the important traits such as forage yield and seed yield. Rahmat Abad Khansar population of S.hohenackeriana and Polkale population of S. barbata showed higher forage yield (3333 and 3129 kg/ha, respectively). The first five components determined 73% of total variation. The first component named as yield factor, the second and the third factors as vegetative factors, the forth component as yield component factor and the fifth factor as dry weight/wet weight. Cluster analysis classified populations into two groups with distinct variations for seed yield and forage yield.
Kazem Saedi; farhang ghasriani; Ali Ashraf Jafari; mohamad fayaz
Volume 24, Issue 3 , October 2017, , Pages 676-684
Ali Mohebbi; Rostam Khalife zadeh; Ehsan zandi esfahan; Hosein Nasiri Dashtakii
Volume 23, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 672-679
The current research was performed in Homand Absard Research Station to investigate the yield of Vicia villosa under different sowing and establishment methods. Initially, the seeds of this species were collected from similar natural habitats. Afterward, seed characteristics including germination percentage, ...
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The current research was performed in Homand Absard Research Station to investigate the yield of Vicia villosa under different sowing and establishment methods. Initially, the seeds of this species were collected from similar natural habitats. Afterward, seed characteristics including germination percentage, viability, seed vigor, etc., were examined. The study area is a semi-steppe region with an average rainfall of 333 mm. Two sowing methods including seeding and seeding together with rainfall storage, and spring and autumn sowing dates were considered in a split plot design with three replications. Data analysis was performed with SPSS software, and mean comparisons were done by Duncan's multiple range test. According to the obtained results, no significant differences were obtained for the yield of the seeds cultivated in autumn and spring between two sowing methods at 5% level of probability. However, the interaction between methods and season was significant and higher yield was recorded for the seeding with rainfall storage method in autumn season.
hamideh javadi; Ali Ashraf Jafari; Masoume Ramezani Yeghaneh; Mahmoud Amirkhani
Volume 23, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 417-429
This research was aimed to evaluate the agronomic and quality traits of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) available in the Natural Resources Gene Bank of Iran. The study was conducted in a complete randomized block design with two replications in Karaj (Alborz Iran) for two years.Forage dry matter and ...
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This research was aimed to evaluate the agronomic and quality traits of sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L.) available in the Natural Resources Gene Bank of Iran. The study was conducted in a complete randomized block design with two replications in Karaj (Alborz Iran) for two years.Forage dry matter and seed yield, plant height, number of primary and secondary branches, number of seeds per plant, 1000-seed weight, powdery mildew disease infection, and the quality traits including dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude fiber (CF), Acid detergent fibre (ADF) and total ash, were measured.The results showed that the populations of 3001 (Karaj) and 8206 (Tehran) had the higher mean values for agronomic traits. Populations 3001 (Karaj), and 11815 (Khalkhal) had priority for both dry matter yield and forage quality than other populations.The result of correlation analysis showed that both dry matter yield and seed yield were positively correlated with plant height and number of primary and secondary branch.Crude protein was positively correlated with seed yield, number of seed per plant, DMD and total ash and negatively correlated with ADF and CF.In principal component analysis, the first three components accounted for 50% of total variation among the populations. The contributions of the first to the third components were 23%, 17%, and 11%, respectively.This classification was in agreement with the classification of populations based on first two components. In cluster analysis, the populations were classified into four groups in a Euclidean distance of 18.5. The members of each group had the same traits.
Maryam Haji Mohammad Ebrahim Zanjani; Hosein Arzani; Nematalah Khorasani; Navid Ziaee
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 191-202
Distinguishing of protected areas is one of the range management methods for improvement, sustainable development and richness of plant composition. This research was carried out to study the effects of conservation on some vegetative factors in some parts of Varjin located in Tehran province and protected ...
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Distinguishing of protected areas is one of the range management methods for improvement, sustainable development and richness of plant composition. This research was carried out to study the effects of conservation on some vegetative factors in some parts of Varjin located in Tehran province and protected since 1982. For this purpose, two vegetation types were selected in protected area as well as unprotected area. Four transects of 300 m length were then established in key areas of each vegetation type and 10 plots of 1m2 were sampled along each transect with 30-m intervals. In each plot, list of species was recorded and vegetative factors including density, composition and yield (cut and weighting method) were measured. All samples were weighted in wet and dry condition. Normality of data was tested and then measured parameters were compared by t test. Results showed that mean difference for all measured parameters in vegetation type of (Me Pe – As br) except vegetation composition of class III species and density of class II and III species were significant. Also in vegetation type of (Fe ov – As br), all parameters were significant except density of class I and class III species.
Hassan Ghelichnia; Hosein Arzani; Mohammad Akbarzadeh; Mahdi Farahpour; Mojgan sadat Azimi
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 203-220
Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting ...
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Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting statistical data. Vegetative factors (vegetation cover and yield) were measured in 10 sites along six transects of 200 meter length in sixty plots of one square meter. According to the results, maximum average percentage of vegetation cover (50.22) and maximum yield (417.87) were recorded for 2003. Minimum average percentage of vegetation cover (47.38) was obtained in 2001 and average yields of 391.46 and 391.63 were obtained in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Consequently, a relationship was found between vegetation cover percentage and yield with precipitation. Most of the sites in which average rainfall especially in late winter and spring of 2003 was more than that of the other years, higher average of canopy cover percentage and yield were recorded in the mentioned year. Also, livestock grazing management was effective on amount of yield and vegetation cover. The sites located in highlands showed a better condition due to the cool Mediterranean climate and higher precipitation and proper grazing management in rangelands. The condition of class I and class II species of these sites was better than that of downstream rangelands. In the sites located in lower regions with a cold semi-arid climate especially in sagebrush lands, range condition was lower than that of the highlands due to semi-arid climatic conditions and the use of rangeland in Spring and Autumn. Class III species were dominant in these sites. Precipitation affected all vegetative forms and for perennial grasses vegetation cover percentage and yield were affected. Since cushion plants were not considered in yield calculation, the increment of vegetation cover percentage had no effect on yield. Annual plants also affected the yield due to increased spring rainfall in some sites.
hosein Arzani; somayeh Dehdari; Gardoon King
Volume 18, Issue 1 , May 2011, , Pages 1-16
Importance of production information in range management has caused researchers be seeking to find suitable methods for yield estimation. As clipping and weighing method has been recognized as a time consuming, high cost and destructive method, researches have been conducted on indirect methods. Estimating ...
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Importance of production information in range management has caused researchers be seeking to find suitable methods for yield estimation. As clipping and weighing method has been recognized as a time consuming, high cost and destructive method, researches have been conducted on indirect methods. Estimating yield from cover data can be considered as an important method. In the present study, relationship between cover and yield was determined at first. Then investigation was done to find how cover data can be used to estimate production using a double sampling procedure or pooled equation. Research was carried out in two rangelands of Manuka (a semi-arid rangeland) and Conservation (as an arid area). Double sampling was formed by clipping and weighing method as direct sampling and foliage or canopy cover measurement as indirect sampling for each group of species. The number of paired of direct and indirect sampling based on time consumption and accuracy were 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 40. SPSS was used for data analysis. Data were collected during 2 or 3 years in different seasonal conditions of fair, poor and good. The results showed the possibility of estimating range production from cover measurement using equation based 8 to 12 paired direct and indirect sampling. Correlation between cover and yield was higher for all collected data in both rangelands of Manuka and Conservation. According to the results, cover data can be used in both models of double sampling or pooled equation for accurate yield estimation.
Aliakbar Emani; Aliashraf Jafari; Rajab Chokan; Ali Asgari; Farokh Darvish
Volume 15, Issue 4 , January 2009, , Pages 493-507
In order to determine the best populations for both yield and quality traits, 36 populations of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were evaluated using a triple lattice design in Ardabil, Iran during 2005-2006. The data were collected for heading date, plant height, dry matter yield and five quality ...
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In order to determine the best populations for both yield and quality traits, 36 populations of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) were evaluated using a triple lattice design in Ardabil, Iran during 2005-2006. The data were collected for heading date, plant height, dry matter yield and five quality traits dry Matter digestibility (DMD), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and total ash over two years. Near infrared spectroscopy was used for estimation of the quality traits. Result showed significant difference among populations for all of traits except the ash, in the first year. The populations VIII (Russia), 782026 (Shahrekord) and 60075 (Tavankesh) with average values 5.76, 5.32 and 5.5 ton/ha had the highest total dry matter production, respectively. They were suggested as the promising populations for produce synthetic varieties. The populations of 60075 (Tavankesh), 60066 (Borojen), had higher and lower values for plant heights, respectively. For heading date, 418 (Australia) and 1317 (Iranian Gene bank), were recognized as latest and earliest populstions, respectively. The populations of 60071 (Borojen) and 078 (USA) had the higher values for DMD. Results of correlation analysis showed that DMD was positively correlated with WSC, while the correlation among ADF with both DMD and WSC was negative. Heading date was negatively correlated with both DM yield and plant height. The relationships among DM yield with both DMD and WSC were weak and non significant. It was concluded that the population VIII (Russia), 782026 ( Shahre kord) and 60075 (Tavankesh) with higher forage production and 60071 (Borojen) and 078 (USA) with higher quality were suggested as the best populations for cultivation in semi steppe area of northwest of Iran.
Hosein arzani; Mahdi Adnani; Hosein Bashari; Mojgan azimi; Hosein Bagheri; Morteza Akbar zadeh; Hasan Kaboli
Volume 13, Issue 4 , February 2007, , Pages 296-313
Rangelands have important role in economy of country because of providing forage for animals, soil and water conservation and other services giving to society. Therefore their careful management is necessary. To do this, main vegetative stepic regions of Qum province were ...
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Rangelands have important role in economy of country because of providing forage for animals, soil and water conservation and other services giving to society. Therefore their careful management is necessary. To do this, main vegetative stepic regions of Qum province were selected. In each community a key area was determined to establish a permanent site, so eight key areas were selected in the whole province. In each site four parallel, 400 meter transects were established. Canopy cover and yield within 60 quadrates in two square meter areas, along each transect were measured each year. According to the results, Qum's rangelands contain poor vegetation composition with low cover percentage and yield. Desirable species were absent in vegetation composition and moderate and non-desirable species made major part of vegetation cover and yield. Most Qum's rangelands suffer from over grazing and should be recovered by a suitable management program. Results showed significant relationships (P<0.05) between canopy cover and forage yield of studied species during 6 years (1999-2004). However regression models calculated based on correlation between cover and yield varied due to seasonal condition in each year.
Ebrahim Rahmani; Ali ashraf Jafari; Mojtabah Torkaman
Volume 13, Issue 1 , February 2006, , Pages 53-61
In order to determine the best ecotype for pasture establishment in Lorestan province, Iran, 18 ecotypes of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), were evaluated for yield and quality traits. Two experiments were conducted under optimum and drought stress conditions using complete block design ...
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In order to determine the best ecotype for pasture establishment in Lorestan province, Iran, 18 ecotypes of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.), were evaluated for yield and quality traits. Two experiments were conducted under optimum and drought stress conditions using complete block design with three replications in Brojerd, Iran during 2003-2004. The data were collected and analyzed for yield and quality triats. The results of combined analyses over two environments showed that genotypes 208S, 1727P12, 2087P10, 4056P4, 1727P7 and 619S produced highest forage dry matter yield with average values of 1451 to 1774 kg/h under drought stress conditions. The latter ecotype had a good quality. In normal condition 208P10, 208S, 1227P7, 208P8, 1727P10 produced higher dry matter yield than others. It was concluded that genotypes, 208P8, 1227P7, 208S and 208P10 with average values of 1765 kg/h forage production were the best varities for sowing under both irrigation and non irrigation areas. The genotypes 208P13 had both good quality and forage production under irrigation condition and the genotype 529M had good quality but its forage production was poor.