Javad Motamedi (Torkan); Esmaeil Sheidai Karkaj; Yaser Ghasemi Aryan
Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 April 2023
The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating ...
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The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating layers of elevation, slope, geographical orientation and plant types. Considering the ecological and environmental characteristics of each homogeneous ecological unit and considering the criteria and index for evaluating rangeland utilization, we evaluated the power and suitability of using rangelands. According to the range condition and trend of the rangeland, the rangeland method and grazing systems were presented for each of the classes. Based on the results of 23 homogeneous ecological units, it was identified that many of them belong to rangeland lands with grades 1 to 3. Accordingly, equilibrium range management was considered in 26.9% (244.4 ha) of rangelands with good condition and class 1 power. In 37.4% (346.4 hectares) with moderate condition and class 2 power, natural range management was recommended. Artificial range management or range improvement were recommended for 35.7% (329.9 ha) of poor and class 3 land. In order to prevent erosion and increase forage production, artificial range management was recommended for abandoned fields. The results indicate that application of spatial-ecological model and consequently identification of ecological homogeneous zones as management and planning units at macro level as a cost-effective method, in addition to assessing rangelands power, can enable rangeland management in proposing the rangeland method and grazing systems and assist in localization of range improvement operations.
Yaser Ghasemi Aryan; Hosein Azarnivand; Javad Motamedi; Firoozeh Moghiminejad
Volume 31, Issue 1 , June 2024, , Pages 15-27
Background and objectivesRangeland management is the science and art of range management and administration, which requires technical and managerial foundations in decision-making and planning to protection, reclamation and sustainably use it, in parallel with each other and in accordance with the range ...
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Background and objectivesRangeland management is the science and art of range management and administration, which requires technical and managerial foundations in decision-making and planning to protection, reclamation and sustainably use it, in parallel with each other and in accordance with the range ecological conditions and beneficiary's socio-economic conditions, especially the pastoralists, should be considered. In the technical basics section, there are always several key projects, including planting, plowing, grazing management, Inter Seeding, Seeding, fertilizing, pitting, ripping, and contour furrowing, each of which has criteria and indicators. Has its own characteristics. Considering the vast area and variety of physiography and geomorphology of the rangelands, any tool that can help experts in selecting improvement and restoration projects by combining indicators can be useful. The purpose of this research is to use the geographic information system to locate suitable areas for range improvement and management projects in the Chahtalkh watershed. MethodologyFor this purpose, based on the range condition and range condition trend, a range method was developed for each plant types. For types with excellent to good condition, equilibrium method was recommended, and for types with moderate condition, natural method and consequently grazing systems were recommended. Artificial or improvement range management, were considered for types that were poor and very poor. In the next step, the homogeneous baseline maps were prepared by combining altitude, slope and direction maps. Subsequently, the homogeneous layer was combined with plant types layer and the final homogeneous units. Based on the rangeland condition and suitability yield of plant types, geological maps, soil characteristics, iso-therms, iso-rain and water resources, the characteristics of each homogeneous unit were extracted in GIS environment. Considering effective ecological and environmental criteria and indices to perform range improvement and management operations and to match the characteristics of each homogenous unit, the type of rangeland management and management operations in each homogenous unit was proposed and based on this, a round map was prepared. Finally, by superimposing the map of range improvement and management operations and customary systems, the range management model of the region was presented. ResultsAccording to the results, a wide range of rangelands have poor and very poor conditions that require artificial range management. The resulting management model showed that in 10.6% of rangelands, contour farro, in 8.3%, pitting and in 5.9%, ripping is recommended. In 29.3% of rangelands, grazing management and in 14.6% prevent livestock from entering (exclosure) are recommended. ConclusionThe model presented in the Chah Talkh watershed, which was obtained by combining the layers of RANGE condition and range condition trend, suitability yield of plant types, land use, soil texture and depth, elevation class, slope and direction, temperature and rainfall lines, and the map of customary systems, can play a significant role in provide a comprehensive and all-round management. The model enables quick and easy access to all ecological and environmental criteria and environmental parameters for effective range improvement and range management. In this regard, weighting indicators and using multi-variable decision-making tools can play an important role in more precisely choosing suitable places for range improvement and revitalization projects.
Rostam Moslempour
Volume 30, Issue 3 , January 2024, , Pages 409-423
Background and objectivesIt seems that there is a mutual relationship between the classes of rangeland conditions and the characteristics of vegetation and biodiversity. However, there is relatively little and contradictory information in this regard. This research was conducted to compare the percentage ...
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Background and objectivesIt seems that there is a mutual relationship between the classes of rangeland conditions and the characteristics of vegetation and biodiversity. However, there is relatively little and contradictory information in this regard. This research was conducted to compare the percentage of cover, litter, density, production, and numerical indicators of biodiversity among 11 types of plants in the Darmian-Sarabisheh protected area. MethodologyAfter the field survey and identification of plant types, 11 plant types could be identified in the entire area. Sampling was done by the random-systematic method. For this purpose, three key areas were selected for each plant type, three transects were established in each key area, and 20 plots of 4 square meters were sampled in each transect. In each plot, the percentage of vegetation cover, litter, density, and production was measured. Canopy cover and litter percentage were determined visually. Plant density was calculated by counting plants per unit area. Production was estimated through cover vegetation by double sampling. The Adelaide method was used to estimate shrub production. The range condition was evaluated by the modified four-factor method. Species diversity components, including species richness, evenness, and dominance, were calculated by numerical indices. Also, species abundance distribution models (broken-stick, log-normal, log series, and geometric series) were applied to evaluate plant diversity graphically. The chi-square goodness-of-fit test was used to determine the most accurate fit of species distribution to each statistical model. To compare vegetation characteristics and species diversity components among the 11 studied plant types, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's multiple range tests were conducted. ResultsThe results of the analysis of variance showed that between the 11 plant types studied in terms of vegetation characteristics, including the percentage of vegetation cover, litter, plant density, and production, and numerical indices related to species diversity, including species richness, evenness, and dominance, there is a significant difference at the p≤0.01. The mean comparison results showed that the highest vegetation cover percentage belongs to Artemisia aucheri - Stipa barbata (51.23%) in good condition. Acantholimon scorpinus - Cousinia eryngioides and Eryngium bungei- Cousinia eryngioides (46.27% and 40.44%, respectively) in poor condition are in the next. The highest plant density belongs to Artemisia aucheri - Stipa barbata (157 individuals) in good condition, followed by Eryngium bungei- Lactuca orientalis (126 individuals) in poor condition. Astragalus verus- Artemisia aucheri in good condition and Acantholimon scorpinus - Cousinia eryngioides in poor condition have higher species diversity (H¢=2.51 and 2.48, respectively). The species abundance of Eryngium bungei- Cousinia eryngioides and Eryngium bungei- Lactuca orientalis types (in poor condition) follows the log-normal series, which represents stable communities. Also, Astragalus verus- Artemisia aucheri and Artemisia aucheri- Stipa barbata, which are in good condition, follow the log series and the geometric series, which represent unstable and fragile communities. ConclusionRange condition was independent of vegetation cover, production, density, species richness, diversity, evenness, and dominance. Some vegetation types are in poor condition despite high vegetation cover, density, and production. The present study also showed that high species diversity is observed even in the poor-condition class of vegetation types and does not necessarily indicate rangeland stability. Determining ecosystem stability and biodiversity based on species abundance distributions (SADs) is also impossible.
Javad Motamedi; Esmaeil Sheidai-Karkaj; Yaser Ghasemi Aryan
Volume 30, Issue 1 , April 2023, , Pages 1-23
The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating ...
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The presentation of management models in the natural area is of great importance due to the large extent and inaccessibility of the whole surface. In this regard, Imam Kandi mountain rangelands were targeted for presenting a spatial-ecological model. Homogeneous ecological units were prepared by incorporating layers of elevation, slope, geographical orientation and plant types. Considering the ecological and environmental characteristics of each homogeneous ecological unit and considering the criteria and index for evaluating rangeland utilization, we evaluated the power and suitability of using rangelands. According to the range condition and trend of the rangeland, the rangeland method and grazing systems were presented for each of the classes. Based on the results of 23 homogeneous ecological units, it was identified that many of them belong to rangeland lands with grades 1 to 3. Accordingly, equilibrium range management was considered in 26.9% (244.4 ha) of rangelands with good condition and class 1 power. In 37.4% (346.4 hectares) with moderate condition and class 2 power, natural range management was recommended. Artificial range management or range improvement were recommended for 35.7% (329.9 ha) of poor and class 3 land. In order to prevent erosion and increase forage production, artificial range management was recommended for abandoned fields. The results indicate that application of spatial-ecological model and consequently identification of ecological homogeneous zones as management and planning units at macro level as a cost-effective method, in addition to assessing rangelands power, can enable rangeland management in proposing the rangeland method and grazing systems and assist in localization of range improvement operations.
Hasan Eslami; Javad Motamedi (Torkan); Habib Nazarnejad; Esmael Sheidaye Karkaj
Volume 26, Issue 3 , September 2019, , Pages 613-628
Species diversity is one of the characteristics indicating changes in rangelands. In this regard, the relationship between range condition as a result of managerial measures and species diversity was investigated. Spearman correlation test and one-way analysis of variance were used for ...
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Species diversity is one of the characteristics indicating changes in rangelands. In this regard, the relationship between range condition as a result of managerial measures and species diversity was investigated. Spearman correlation test and one-way analysis of variance were used for testing the variations of Shannon-Wiener diversity index values of plant types with their conditions. Then, by plotting rank-frequency curves and applying the frequency distribution models, the vegetation types with higher diversity were identified and their relationship with range condition was interpreted. The results showed that Shannon-Wiener diversity index had no significant correlation with range condition. Range condition had no significant effect on the amount of diversity and all three categories of condition (good, average, poor) were classified according to the mentioned index. In general, no significant trend was observed between range condition and amount of diversity. The results suggest that the high values of numerical indices of diversity are not the reason for the improvement of range condition, but their species composition and abundance should also be investigated. Drawing rank-frequency curves and matching the frequency distribution models showed that plant types with good and moderate condition, species with less abundance, were less frequently observed and its curve had a mild slope than those with poor condition, so their diversity was higher. In most plant types, the geometric series model was consistent, indicating low plant diversity and poor range condition. In general, concerning the degree of conformity of the results of the frequency distribution models with the condition of the plant types, the results emphasize the need to pay attention to the parametric indices of species diversity in rangeland health assessment.
Hosein Arzani; Jalal Abdollahi; Mehdi farahpour; Mojganolsadat Azimi; ali Ashraf Jafari; Mahmoud Moalemi
Volume 12, Issue 3 , August 2019, , Pages 263-286
Kambiz Kamrani; Hossein Arzani; Seyed Akbar Javadi; Reza Azizinejad
Volume 25, Issue 4 , February 2019, , Pages 748-760
The most important executive policy of the government is optimizing range management plans in the rangelands. Improvement, development and proper exploitation of rangelands depend on understanding the current rangeland condition and selecting a range management method (balanced, natural and artificial) ...
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The most important executive policy of the government is optimizing range management plans in the rangelands. Improvement, development and proper exploitation of rangelands depend on understanding the current rangeland condition and selecting a range management method (balanced, natural and artificial) to be implemented in the form of a range management plan (RMP). Data were collected from 16 ranch units of Haraz River watershed to investigate differences in methods. At first, the statistics and information of the rangelands including the total percentage of vegetation and each of the important desirable and increasing species, rangeland condition and trend, and rangeland production were extracted and studied in 2016. To determine the best range management method based on rangeland condition, the analysis of variance was used in a completely randomized design with three treatments. To compare the effect of each method during the implementation of the plan and in the current situation on the rangeland condition, trend and production of rangelands, the Duncan's test and to compare the quantitative characteristics measured before and after the implementation of the rangeland management plans, a two-sample independent t-test were used. Moreover, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare qualitative characteristics using SPSS. In this research, rangeland management methods were considered as a treatment and time intervals were considered as a replicate. The results showed that although the vegetation percentage of palatable species composition did not increase, the balanced and natural methods were the best rangeland management methods in the good and fair rangeland condition, respectively. The reason for not increasing the palatable species was the unsuccessful implementation of planned programs in Range Management Plans (RMPs). On the other hand, although the artificial range management method was correctly performed in the RMPs with poor vegetation types, the implementation of these plans had no significant effect on the rangeland condition and trend of the study rangelands due to the high livestock population. It has also caused the cost of implementing reclamation and improvement projects on the beneficiaries. Although the percentage of vegetation cover of undesirable species of rangelands has increased, over the past 25 years, the total percentage of canopy cover and production has decreased. It seems that rangeland plans will be more effective when there is a balance between grazing capacity and livestock population.
Valiollah Raufirad; razie sabouhi; gholamreza shojae; setareh bagheri
Volume 24, Issue 1 , May 2017, , Pages 57-66
Range management plans (RMPs) are one of the main tools for the management and utilization of rangelands in Iran. Range size, number of animal units, and rangeland users are considered as the most important factors influencing RMPs. This study was conducted in the rangelands of Isfahan province in 2008 ...
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Range management plans (RMPs) are one of the main tools for the management and utilization of rangelands in Iran. Range size, number of animal units, and rangeland users are considered as the most important factors influencing RMPs. This study was conducted in the rangelands of Isfahan province in 2008 in order to study the relationship between range size, the ratio of permitted animal unit to existing animal unit and number of rangeland users with range condition. Accordingly, the list of RMPs was prepared. Then, the range size, the number of permitted and existing animal units and rangeland users were determined. After that, the range condition was determined using four-factor (winter rangelands) and six-factor methods (summer rangelands). Finally, the relationship between range size, the ratio of the permitted animal unit to the existing animal unit and number of rangeland users (separately and commonly) with range condition was verified by using spearman correlation and discriminate analysis. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between range size (P≤ 0.01) and the ratio of the permitted to the existing animal unit (P≤0.05) with range condition in summer rangelands. Therefore, it is concluded that range size and animal unit could be considered as one of the factors affecting rangeland degradation.
Javad Moetamedi; saeedeh Toupchizadegan
Volume 23, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 527-542
Determining the allowable use is one of the basic requirements to calculate the grazing capacity in range management plans. In this study, initially, the range condition and trend of vegetation types and the suitability class of soil susceptibility to erosion were determined. Then, the allowable use ...
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Determining the allowable use is one of the basic requirements to calculate the grazing capacity in range management plans. In this study, initially, the range condition and trend of vegetation types and the suitability class of soil susceptibility to erosion were determined. Then, the allowable use was determined for each vegetation type regarding the mentioned indices and that the allowable use in each climate region is recommended differently to maintain rangeland health. The maximum allowable use for the study rangelands, representing mountainous semi-steppe, was calculated to be 40%. The allowable use of other vegetation types was determined regarding the limitations of indices. According to the results, the allowable use was calculated to be 40%, 30%, 25%, and 15% for 21.4%, 13.6%, 19.3%, and 27.6% of the study rangelands, respectively. Around 18.1% of the study rangelands were classified as non-utilizable due to the poor range condition, negative trend and the soil susceptible to erosion. In most areas, poor range condition and negative trend acted as a limiting factor and led to a low estimate of allowable use. Therefore, care must be taken in selecting the indices affecting the allowable use of range habitats and in addition to plant health, range condition and trend as well as ecosystem health should be considered.
Alireza Eftekhari; Hosein Arzani; Ehsan Zandi Esfahan; esmaiel Alizadeh
Volume 23, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 218-209
Given the breadth and importance of rangelands in water and soil conservation, fodder production and environmental services and evidence of the destruction of this resource, some measures must be taken to prevent damage and also improve its condition. One of the most important measures is preparation ...
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Given the breadth and importance of rangelands in water and soil conservation, fodder production and environmental services and evidence of the destruction of this resource, some measures must be taken to prevent damage and also improve its condition. One of the most important measures is preparation and implementation of Range Management Plans. Hence, it is necessary to consider implemented projects to know that how much they have contributed in preventing damage and improving rangelands. In this research winter rangelands (with and without Range Management Plans) were investigated in Zarandieh. For this purpose, 16 rangelands with Range Management plan and 14 rangelands without Range Management plan were selected so that all management types (private, collective and different areas of rangeland) were taken into consideration with same climate conditions as far as possible. Consequently all rangelands were selected from Mamoonieh-Zarandieh region with warm and dry weather. After calculating the number of plots (60) and its size (2m2) in each vegetation type, a reference area was selected in which vegetation factors including canopy cover, yield, density, litter, species richness, range condition and trend were evaluated in time of range readiness. Statistical analysis of data was performed by t-test. According to the results, there were significant differences between studied rangelands in most of factors. Overall result of the study showed a better condition for rangelands with Range Management Plans.
Ghader Karimi; Hasan Yeghaneh; Hasan Barati; Farhang Ghasriani
Volume 21, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 631-642
A proper utilization of rangelands could result in preventing degradation, maintaining desirable species and improving range condition, leading to longterm and economic production. This research was aimed to investigate the allowable use of Stipa hohenckeriana in Kordan rangelands. In this study, a reference ...
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A proper utilization of rangelands could result in preventing degradation, maintaining desirable species and improving range condition, leading to longterm and economic production. This research was aimed to investigate the allowable use of Stipa hohenckeriana in Kordan rangelands. In this study, a reference area of one hectare was selected and fenced in the first year of the study. Treatments included four harvesting intensities of 25, 50 and 75% and 0 (control group). Finally, data were analyzed using split plot design in time with 10 replications for each treatment. Data analysis was performed by SAS software. Results showed that the effects of harvesting intensity, different years and their interactions on the forage production were significant at 1% level of probability, indicating that in different years, production rate varied with varying climate conditions. According to the results, an allowable use of 25% is recommended for Stipa hohenckeriana in the study area. The recommended allowable use can be used in determining the allowable use for the study area and areas of similar climate, along with information from other plants.
Hassan Ghelichnia; Hosein Arzani; Mohammad Akbarzadeh; Mahdi Farahpour; Mojgan sadat Azimi
Volume 19, Issue 2 , September 2012, , Pages 203-220
Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting ...
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Rangeland assessment and recognizing changes in vegetation, yield and their affecting factors are of important issues for planning and optimum utilization management. Firstly in 2000, main habitats of Mazandaran province were determined and then a site was selected in each reference area for collecting statistical data. Vegetative factors (vegetation cover and yield) were measured in 10 sites along six transects of 200 meter length in sixty plots of one square meter. According to the results, maximum average percentage of vegetation cover (50.22) and maximum yield (417.87) were recorded for 2003. Minimum average percentage of vegetation cover (47.38) was obtained in 2001 and average yields of 391.46 and 391.63 were obtained in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Consequently, a relationship was found between vegetation cover percentage and yield with precipitation. Most of the sites in which average rainfall especially in late winter and spring of 2003 was more than that of the other years, higher average of canopy cover percentage and yield were recorded in the mentioned year. Also, livestock grazing management was effective on amount of yield and vegetation cover. The sites located in highlands showed a better condition due to the cool Mediterranean climate and higher precipitation and proper grazing management in rangelands. The condition of class I and class II species of these sites was better than that of downstream rangelands. In the sites located in lower regions with a cold semi-arid climate especially in sagebrush lands, range condition was lower than that of the highlands due to semi-arid climatic conditions and the use of rangeland in Spring and Autumn. Class III species were dominant in these sites. Precipitation affected all vegetative forms and for perennial grasses vegetation cover percentage and yield were affected. Since cushion plants were not considered in yield calculation, the increment of vegetation cover percentage had no effect on yield. Annual plants also affected the yield due to increased spring rainfall in some sites.
Masoud Borhani; Hossein Arzani; Zahra Jaberolansar; Mojgan Azimi; Mahdi Farahpor
Volume 17, Issue 1 , September 2010, , Pages 1-20
Range condition is known as an important indicator for assessment in range management. Many techniques have been exploited for determining this indicator, from which four-factor method has been used in this study. Some communities at stepic regions of Isfahan province were selected. In each selected ...
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Range condition is known as an important indicator for assessment in range management. Many techniques have been exploited for determining this indicator, from which four-factor method has been used in this study. Some communities at stepic regions of Isfahan province were selected. In each selected community, an area was chosen as key area, and a total of eight sites were selected in the key areas. Soil erosion, canopy cover, plant composition, and plant vigor were monitored for each site. The results revealed a significant difference between the sites in terms of the above mentioned parameters, as well as their rainfall (p<0.01). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between annual precipitation and range condition score. The correlation showed different patterns within years in each site, where the difference between years was significant in terms of plant vigor and canopy cover, but non-significant in terms of soil erosion and plant composition. There was also a positive correlation between the trend of individual parameters and the overall condition score. Cluster analysis grouped Aluyjeh, Northern Shahreza, and Charmshahr sites in one branch, Mooteh, Shoorabad, and Golpayegan in another, and finally Komeshcheh and Southern Shahreza in a third branch. The lowest rank for canopy cover, canopy production and soil erosion belonged to Komeshcheh and Southern Shahreza sites. Aluyjeh, Northern Shahreza, and Charmshahr sites were in better condition than the previous group, yet in poor conditions, and the rest of the sites showed the best conditions among study sites. Generally speaking, Isfahan's stepic rangelands are ranked as poor to very poor, while their condition showed a constant trend.
Mirtaher Ghaiemi; Abassali Sandgol
Volume 15, Issue 1 , January 2008, , Pages 13-25
The major objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the 5-year exclosure at Goladam station of Salmas rangelands.Vegetation type and dominant species of this area was Bromus tomentellus and Festuca ovina. Changes in total forage production, plus canopy cover percentage, range condition ...
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The major objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the 5-year exclosure at Goladam station of Salmas rangelands.Vegetation type and dominant species of this area was Bromus tomentellus and Festuca ovina. Changes in total forage production, plus canopy cover percentage, range condition and trend of this rangeland were measured, evaluated and then analysed statistically. Results of this study indicated that range condition and trend of this rangeland improved considerably. Total plant cover and forage production of the protected area increased.Vegetation cover and density of the plant species class I and IIincreased whilespeciesclass IIIdecreasedconsiderably throughout the study period. It seems that the 5-year exclosure is an appropriate exclusionperiod for this area. Further investigations are recommended for find decisions.