Document Type : Research Paper



Aim of this study was to introduce of the functional threshold by ecological process changes along grazing gradient to determine destroyed area.In order to prove the existence of a threshold, two linear models and three nonlinear models (exponential curve, a piecewise regression and a sigmoid logistic) were fitted on stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling data.Two nonlinear models (exponential curve and a piecewise regression) provided a much better fit to the data than the linear models. It is the evidence of threshold along grazing gradient.Results also showed that ecosystem function descended near the water point that it needs special attention of the managers.The passing of the structural threshold, increase of invasive vegetation and animal trampling were identified as the main factors in the decline of ecosystem function near the water point and occurrence of functional threshold.According to the results, the recognition of the threshold is suggested for rangeland ecosystem because defining the threshold will help land managers to prevent the occurrence of undesirable states and promote for sustainable management of rangeland ecosystems.
