Document Type : Research Paper



Management activities like crescent intake and enclosure affect the soil surface indicators and rangeland functional attributes. To have a continuous and sustainable utilization of rangelands these changes must be recognized and managed. Indicators of soil surface characteristics and rangeland functional attributes assist researchers in judging the effects of their applied management activities. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of management activities like crescent intake and enclosure on soil surface indicators and rangeland functional attributes. For this purpose, three regions including freed enclosure, enclosure and crescent intake were selected and the effect of any aforementioned activities on soil surface characteristics and rangeland functional attributes were investigated by using Landscape Functional Analysis (LFA) method. In this method, for determination of three functional attributes (stability, infiltration and nutrient cycle) 11 soil surface indicators were applied as follows: ground cover, litter cover, litter (degree of decomposition), cryptogam cover, soil surface resistance to distribution, eroded materials, erosion features, soil microtopograghy, soil surface nature, slake test and soil texture. Data analysis was performed with SPSS software, Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test and a Duncan multiple range test. According to the results, the indicators and functional characteristics of the rangeland have been changed due to the management activities. As significant differences were found among all 11 soil surface indicators except erosion feature and cryptogam cover in three studied regions (P<0.05). Also significant differences were found among three rangeland functional attributes in three study areas. Our results indicate that crescent intake and enclosure could improve rangeland functional attributes.
