Document Type : Research Paper



The preference value is defined as selection of available species by livestock in the free grazing. This study was conducted in semi steppe rangelands of Anjedan located 35 Km far from east Arak. These rangelands are of important centers for keeping livestock which is under heavy grazing with a poor condition. The soil of the study area is loamy with high stone and gravel. This study was performed to determine the preference value of important species for sheep to support palatable species in range management plans. Direct observation (timing) method was used to calculate the time spent on livestock grazing and presence during grazing season for 3 years. Afterward, data were analyzed by SAS software in a complete random block design and Duncan test was used for mean comparisons. The results showed the preference value in different season grazing months significantly differed (p<0.01). Generally, annual grasses and forbsshowed maximum preference value. Plant litters, Bromus tomentelus, Artemisia aucheri, Buffonia koelzii respectively ranked next in terms of preference value.
