Document Type : Research Paper



This study was conducted to assess the effect of rangeland dedication. The research population included all the rangeland owners (N=45) and all the pasture experts (N=32). Moreover, data was gathered through two main methods, i.e. library, documentary and field methods. The viewpoints and suggestions of professors, researchers and experts were used for the purpose of determining the validity of questionnaire. Based on Kerenbakh Alpha Coefficient, the results of questionnaire reliability was determined 0.89 and 0.91 for the questions relating to pasture owners and experts, respectively. The result of Spearman correlative coefficient indicated that the relation between the variables of: beneficiary literacy, beneficiary training, improving economic capability of beneficiary family through granting credits, improving economic capability of beneficiary family through breeding and reclamation of pastures,  and improving economic capability of exploiters’ family through combination of cultivation and animal husbandry, decreasing livestock, executive effective regulations, and improving economic capability of exploiters’ family through productive plans with variable of level of success in rangeland privatization in the form of pasture management plans is positive. The results gained from Man - Whitney examination indicate that there is no meaningful difference between the viewpoint of experts and pasture owners concerning the level of success in rangeland privatization in the form of pasture management plans and both groups have similar opinion. The results gained from multivariable regression in stepwise method show that the variables of improving economic capability of beneficiary capability had have positive effect on level of success in rangeland privatization in the form of pasture management plans by combination of cultivation and animal husbandry, beneficiary training, improving economic capability of exploiters’ family through pastures breeding and reclamation and decreasing the number of livestock.
