Document Type : Research Paper
This study was conducted to evaluate Atriplex canescens planting in Zarand-e-Saveh rangelands. For this purpose, a questionnaire about effects of Atriplex planting was prepared to be replied by randomly selected people whose herds use the rangelands. The questions were answered by 35 persons in 9 different villages. According to the answers, vegetation cover of the subject rangelands has been improved, the composition of herds is constant, and Atriplex plants are used only for grazing. Most of the herders believe that planting by Atriplex resulted in increase of production and quality of range forage, and consequently dairy products and meat production were boosted. Herders think that the fauna of the area has been changed. Conversely, some herders declare that grazing of Atriplex caused some gut damages, diarrhea and abortion in grazing animals. We believe that the reasons of these problems are early season grazing and also lack of diversity in plant composition (mono culturing).