Document Type : Research Paper



Accessibility to a major portion of information about vegetation cover function of rangeland ecosystem is provided by the way of autecological study of range plant species. Autecological study of a range plant named Ferula ovina was accomplished in Tehran province. Topographic, edaphic, and climatic characteristics of the species's habitat were determined. The canopy cover, density, frequency, and preference value of the plant were measured. Names of other species which are accompanied with  Ferula ovina in its major ecosystem were listed.  The results showed that habitat elevation for this species is 2000 to 3200 meters above sea level. Topographic aspect is not a major limitation for its growth. At its habitats, average annual precipitation is about  400 mm. Mean annual temperature is 8 centigrade. Its major ecosystem includes geological layers of tuff, limestone, shale, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and clay stone. This plant prefers loamy and/or sandy-loamy soils. Electrical conductivity of soil at different parts of the habitat indicates less than 1.0 ds/m. A range of 7.0 – 7.5  was observed for soil pH.  In rangelands in which vegetation is dominated by this species, its percent canopy cover, frequency, and density are 12.35%  , 81.62%, and 16750 plants per hectare, respectively. Its root system includes a main root  and a few distributed roots. Vegetation growth of this plant starts in early May. Its flowering stage is in 5th to 20th of June, and seed ripening stage is in the fourth week of June. The plant propagates only by seeds. When plant is green, it is not grazed by livestock such as sheep and goat. However, it is harvested and  stored as livestock fodder in fall and winter. The main insect seen on the plant is a butterfly named Malocosma sp
