Document Type : Research Paper



A vast area of  Iran is covered by sand dunes and shifting sands in wich threat the living of habitants in these regions. Biological control is an approprate method for sand dune fixation. So, it is essential to regonize characteristics of psamophyte plant species and introducing suitable speciecs for sand dunes. For this perpose, the ecological  characteristics of Ammodendron persicum including phenology, adaptability, soil  condition of habitates, response to cutting and grazing, regeneration strategy and seed germination were studied . Ammodendron persicum is a shrub and psamophyte plant with the age of 10 to 50 years. Phenoligically, the growth started in March, flower in about 7 May and reach to seed maturity by 20 June. The seed shaded after maturity but the duration of plant growth depend to amonnt of annual rainfall. Ammodendron is a drought resistant plant, because it is grow well in an area with an average of 150 mm rainfall per year.  Ammodendron regenerates by seed and vegetative propagules. Grazer animals use this plant by end of growing season. In general this plant has approparate ecological characteristies in terms of establishment over sand dune and has  perspective for using in other sand dune areas. The later case is under investigation.
