Document Type : Research Paper



This research was aimed to investigate the effect of planting depth and rainwater storage on the establishment of range species including Prangos uloptera- Prangos latiloba-Ferula ovina- Astragalus eriopodus -Onobrychis melanotricha. The study was conducted in autumn using a split plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments included rainwater storage and seeding at planting depths of 1 cm, 2.5 cm and 4 cm. The survival percentage was evaluated for the study species at the end of growth stage during three years. Data were analyzed in MSTATC and mean comparisons was performed by Duncan's multiple range test. According to the results, the highest survival percentage under rainwater storage treatment was recorded for P.latiloba at planting depths of 1 cm and 2.5 cm (73%), F.ovina at a planting depth of 1 cm (100%), A.eriopodus at a planting depth of 1 cm (80%), and O.melanotricha at a planting depth of 1 cm (53%). However, the rainwater storage treatment was not effective on P.uloptera and a planting depth of 2.5 cm showed the highest survival (73%).
