Document Type : Research Paper


ferdowsi univercity


The relationship between soil and plant has long been considered, leading to the greatest benefits to humans. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of soil properties on establishment of Haloxylon aphyllum. For this purpose, in two adjacent regions with different soil, some of the physical and chemical properties of soil and growth parameters of Haloxylon were measured in Gonabad and Mah'velat cities. Data were analyzed using the Minitab software through the two-sample t test. According to the results, soil parameters including the percentage of lime, potassium and phosphorus had no significant effect on the growth of Haloxylon. However, increased soil saturation percentage, reduced soil pH and increased amount of carbon and nitrogen in furrow cultivation, and low electrical conductivity in the pits filled with sediments as well as fine soil texture in two cultivations led to improve the growth of Haloxylon. Also, soil salinity does not affect the viability of this species.


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