Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shiraz, Iran


The aim of this study was to identify the factors affecting ranchers' participation in the conservation activitiesof range management projects in Fars province. Using stratified random sampling method, 89 rangeland projects were selected based on the climatic conditions, vegetation cover, and the number of range management projects implemented. Data were collected using designed questionnaires and interviewing with 267 active ranchers in the rangelands. Poisson regression model and quasi-maximum likelihood estimation were used to identify the factors affecting participation of ranchers in the conservation activitiesof range management projects. According to the results, variables such as experience of ranchers and the number of ranchers in each range management project had a negative effect on the participation of ranchers in the conservation activitiesand it was significant at 1% level. Variables such as the level of formal education, the number of households employed in the agricultural sector and the relation with Natural Resources Offices and the relevant organizations had a positive relationship with participation in conservation activities; however, it was not statistically significant. Variables such as the amount of information passed to the ranchers after their involvement in range management projects, duration of grazing, the area of rangeland allocated to each rancher in the project, and the number of sheep and goats had a significant positive effect (P < 0.01). Based on these findings, it is necessary to express the importance of conservation programs and activitiesto the ranchersbased on theindigenous and scientific knowledge. Moreover, through empowering ranchers and providing the opportunities for investment in appropriate complementary activities, their participation in conservation activities and using rangeland services is enhanced, which would lead to sustainable livelihood.


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