Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former MSC student in rangeland management, Department of Rangeland Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Rangeland Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University, Iran,

3 Instructor, Department of Rangeland Management, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University, Iran


Invasive species are the major threats to natural ecosystems worldwide. Pteridium aquilinum has the widest distribution of any pteridophyta in the world. This study aimed at investigating the impact of Pteridium aquilinum invasion on species composition, richness and diversity, and forage production in summer rangelands of Bandpay Babol, Mazandaran province, Iran. Vegetation was sampled in four invaded vegetation types including Fagus orientalist forest, Crataegus shrubland, Crataegus+Berberis shrubland, and rangeland. Also, vegetation sampling was done in surrounding uninvaded rangelands. The cover of species was estimated in 1 m2 plot for herbaceous and 25 m2 for shrubs. In all plots, the cover of P. aquilinum was estimated and then all fronds were cut at ground level, counted and frond length was measured. The forage of palatable species was measured by clipping and weighing. Findings showed different species composition among invaded and uninvaded areas. A total of 25 species were found only in invaded areas whereas only 11 species were detected in surrounding uninvaded rangelands. Cover, density and height of P. aquilinum fronds significantly influenced the species composition. Annuals significantly decreased by Pteridium aquilinum invasion. Except for Crataegus+Berberis shrubland, in other invaded areas the forage production was not significantly different from that in surrounding uninvaded rangeland. There was a reduction of desirable rangeland species due to P. aquilinum invasion. Also, we found that species richness significantly increased when invaded by Pteridium, while the diversity significantly decreased. The current understory floristic composition showed a low potential to support future restoration after P. aquilinum control. This result emphasizes the need for adding the seeds of desirable species


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