Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Candidate of desertification Combating, Department of Desert Studies, Semnan University

2 Associate Professor at, Department of Desert Studies, Semnan University

3 Associate Professor at Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology

4 Professor at Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology


Research on the environmental controllers in plant communities is one of the research fields for many ecologists. Identifying the factors affecting the vegetation cover in the arid regions is the first step to recognize the destructive factors, which inhibit the growth and development of vegetation. In the current study, using the structural equation modeling method and Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), climatic and pedological variables that affecting the vegetation cover in steppe rangelands of Zayandehrood basin of Isfahan province were identified and modeled. According to the results, soil clay content, maximum runoff height on the soil, temperature, and dryness of the environment are the most important variables affecting the quantity and quality of vegetation in the rangelands of the Zayandehrud basin. Besides, the role of climatic factors is more than soil factors in the distribution of vegetation in the region. The model presented in this research has good accuracy and high flexibility for modeling ecological phenomena.


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