Document Type : Research Paper



Study on the effect of different grazing intensities on some soil characteristics could be helpful in management and conservation of soil and vegetation. In this study, six key areas were selected with different in grazing intensities. The grazing intensities level for Makueian sheep race was recognized based on the distance to the villageand the cover percentage of invasive, increaser and decreaser species. In each area, soil sampling was done along systematically established transects, in which 18 soil samples were collected from two depths (0-15 and 15-30 cm). Soil samples were then transferred to the laboratory for the chemical and physical analysis of 17 soil characteristics.The results of principle component analysis showed that silt percentage, coarse and fine aggregate percentage, saturation percentage, and particulate organic carbon of upper layer (0-15 cm) as well as soil texture, the carbon of coarse and fine aggregates, EC, and the bulk density of lower layer (15-30 cm) were more sensitive to sheep grazing as compared to other soil characteristics.
