Document Type : Research Paper


1 Former M.Sc. in Range Management, Agriculture Science and Natural Resources University of Gorgan

2 Instructor of Natural Resources, University of Jiroft

3 M.Sc. in Range Management, General Office of Natural Resources and Watershed Management, Kerman province


To study the role of shrubs refuge for annual plant inside and outside exclosure, in Goghar, Bafte, quadrates of 20cm×20 cm were plotted beneath 20 species of Artemisia aucheri, Astragalus gosipinus and 20 open patches, then the name and number of annual species were recorded in quadrates. Species responses to grazing and shrubs were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Post-Hoccomparisons. Results showed that shrubs acted as biotic refuges by protecting 7 species of 22 annual species against direct grazing. Although these seven species are palatable plants but Artemisia aucheri and Astragalus gosipinus that are less palatable in growing season of annual plants can have refuge role for palatable annual plants in grazed plant communities. Some annual species that were rather abundant under the shrubs were rarely found in the open patches in both the grazed and ungrazed quadrates. These species were most probably facilitated by the shrubs. Consequently, shrubs have important implications for diversity, conservation, and management in grazed ecosystems because of their facilities and roles as refuge.