Vahid Karimian; Gholamali Heshmati
Volume 24, Issue 4 , January 2018, , Pages 730-741
Evaluation of important characteristics of soil and vegetation can inform us of the potentials of rangelands and determine the range condition. Soil surface characteristics directly affect vegetation. On the other hand, factors such as plant species, vegetative form and density affect soil characteristics. ...
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Evaluation of important characteristics of soil and vegetation can inform us of the potentials of rangelands and determine the range condition. Soil surface characteristics directly affect vegetation. On the other hand, factors such as plant species, vegetative form and density affect soil characteristics. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the effects of woody plants on soil characteristics using rangelands soil classification method (SSCC) in Khashab rangelands. Eleven soil surface indices within the plant patches of Ziziphus spina cristi and Ziziphus nummularia and Astragalus fasciculifolius as well as a mixture of trees and shrubs (Ziziphus spina cristi + Ziziphus nummularia) and interpatches (bare soil + litter) were measured along three transects of 70 m in five replicates. Then the factors measured in terms of three indices of stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling for each patch were classified. The results showed significant differences for stability index among the study patches, so that Ziziphus spina cristi + Ziziphus nummularia could improve soil stability. Infiltration index did not show significant difference between Ziziphus nummularia and a mixture patch (Ziziphus spina cristi + Ziziphus nummularia). More soil stability in the mixed patch of trees and shrubs (Ziziphus spina cristi + Ziziphus nummularia) could be promising for biological control in south winter rangelands of the country.
Hamid Alipor; Mahsa Pakdin; Saeedeh nateghi; Ali Dastranj; Seyedeh Negar Hashemi
Volume 23, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 329-322
Studying the forage quality of range species is among the important factors required for range management. In the present study, the forage quality of range species including Onobrychis transcaspica, Onobrychis radiate, Astragalus brevidens, Melica ciliate, Agropyron pectiniforme, and Sangisorba minor ...
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Studying the forage quality of range species is among the important factors required for range management. In the present study, the forage quality of range species including Onobrychis transcaspica, Onobrychis radiate, Astragalus brevidens, Melica ciliate, Agropyron pectiniforme, and Sangisorba minor were investigated at three phenological stages. The study was conducted in the rangelands of Bojnourd. At each phenological stage, sampling was performed randomly with five replicates. Forage quality indices including CP, ADF, DMD, and ME were measured in the laboratory. The results showed that the forage quality of the study species was higher as compared with flowering and seeding stages, so that with the advancing age of the plant, crude protein, dry matter digestibility, and metabolizable energy reduced and ADF increased. In comparison with grasses, Legumes had the highest CP content (14.53% and the lowest ADF content (43.91%) in all three phenological stages. Among the study species, the maximum and minimum crude protein content was recorded for Astragalus brevidens and Agropyron pectiniforme, respectively. Analysis of variance showed that the effects of species and phenological stages were significant (P<0.01) in all forage quality indices.
Morteza abtahi
Volume 22, Issue 4 , March 2015, , Pages 639-647
This research was aimed to investigate the effect of planting depth and rainwater storage on the establishment of range species including Prangos uloptera- Prangos latiloba-Ferula ovina- Astragalus eriopodus -Onobrychis melanotricha. The study was conducted in autumn using a split plot arrangement in ...
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This research was aimed to investigate the effect of planting depth and rainwater storage on the establishment of range species including Prangos uloptera- Prangos latiloba-Ferula ovina- Astragalus eriopodus -Onobrychis melanotricha. The study was conducted in autumn using a split plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments included rainwater storage and seeding at planting depths of 1 cm, 2.5 cm and 4 cm. The survival percentage was evaluated for the study species at the end of growth stage during three years. Data were analyzed in MSTATC and mean comparisons was performed by Duncan's multiple range test. According to the results, the highest survival percentage under rainwater storage treatment was recorded for P.latiloba at planting depths of 1 cm and 2.5 cm (73%), F.ovina at a planting depth of 1 cm (100%), A.eriopodus at a planting depth of 1 cm (80%), and O.melanotricha at a planting depth of 1 cm (53%). However, the rainwater storage treatment was not effective on P.uloptera and a planting depth of 2.5 cm showed the highest survival (73%).
Hamidreza Fallahi; Parviz Rezvani Moghaddam; Mehdi Nassiri Mahallati; Mohammad Ali Behdani
Volume 21, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 62-74
In this study, the effects of reconstruction and conservation were investigated on plant diversity of the region of the international Carbon Sequestration Project in Hussein-Abad, South Khorasan province. In the study area, four vegetation types including Haloxylon persicum, Atriplex conescens, Haloxylon ...
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In this study, the effects of reconstruction and conservation were investigated on plant diversity of the region of the international Carbon Sequestration Project in Hussein-Abad, South Khorasan province. In the study area, four vegetation types including Haloxylon persicum, Atriplex conescens, Haloxylon persicum + Atriplex conescens and Zygophyllum eurypterum were planted in 2004. Six years after that, the plant diversity indices of four replanted vegetation types along with control vegetation type (no replanting and conservation programs) was studied in two different dates (April and May) in 2011. For this purpose, 51 quadrates (2 × 2 m) were used in each vegetation type. Results showed that the maximum plant diversity and vegetation coverage were observed in Haloxylon persicum + Atriplex conescens (30 species and 22.5%, respectively) vegetation types, and the minimum values of these indices were recorded in control (20 species and 5.5%, respectively) vegetation type. The highest and the lowest values of plant density were obtained in Atriplex conescens (539,000 plant. ha-1) and control (179000 plant. ha-1) vegetation types, respectively. The Margalef’s richness index was higher in all protected vegetation types, while uniformity index and Shannon diversity index were higher in the control vegetation type. The frequency of 65% of plant species was less than 20% and about 45% of the plant species belonged to therophytes. Overall, the experimental results showed that desert ecosystems could play an important role to improve global biodiversity if proper management programs are employed.
Hossein Arzani; Javad Motamedi (Torkan); Ali Nikkhah; Hossein Azarnivand; Mehdi Ghorbani
Volume 19, Issue 4 , March 2013, , Pages 557-570
Information on animal requirements is essential to calculate rangeland grazing capacity. Therefore, animal weight and animal unit equivalent (AUE) of each breed should be determined independently. In this research, live weight of Kabodeh sheep was determined based on average live weight of 3 and 4 years ...
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Information on animal requirements is essential to calculate rangeland grazing capacity. Therefore, animal weight and animal unit equivalent (AUE) of each breed should be determined independently. In this research, live weight of Kabodeh sheep was determined based on average live weight of 3 and 4 years old ewes. For this purpose, two herds of Kabodeh breed were selected. In each herd, 15 three–year-old ewes, 15 four-year-old ewes, 5 three-year-old rams, 5 four year-old-rams, 10 three-month-old lambs and 10 six-month--old lambs were selected. They were weighed two times including at the time of grazing season in lowland and highland rangelands. For determination of dry matter requirement, forage quality was taken into consideration. According to the results, animal weight for herds (three and four years old ewe) was 52.66±0.86 kg. Therefore, animal unit equivalent (AUE) for rams, ewes, 3 and 6-month-old lambs were 1.07, 1.66, 0.38 and 0.51, respectively. According to MAFF equation (1984), daily metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance condition was calculated 9.89 and 10.60 Mj (including that multiplied by 1.4 and 1.5) by considering condition of rangelands and distances from watering points and plant density in lowland and highland rangelands. Dry matter requirement was calculated 1.98 and1.80 kgbased on forage quality in lowland and highland rangelands.
Mahdi Farahpour; Mahdi Adnani; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 18, Issue 2 , September 2011, , Pages 258-268
Herding system in countries like Iran with ancient herding celebrity is very important. The system should be recorded for the next generation to remind them of what their ancestors have had. This research was conducted by new techniques such as GPSto track the system at Hosesoltan range adjacent to Hosesoltan ...
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Herding system in countries like Iran with ancient herding celebrity is very important. The system should be recorded for the next generation to remind them of what their ancestors have had. This research was conducted by new techniques such as GPSto track the system at Hosesoltan range adjacent to Hosesoltan Lake for three years, 2006 to 2008. A GPS was installed on the back of a three years ewe and her movement such as departure from resting area to rangelands and its reverse, course time of grazing, rest and moving without grazing were recorded. Maximum and minimum speed of the animal also was measured. This survey suggests that the system is smart enough in terms of limitations and available sources.
Hosein arzani; Mahdi Adnani; Hosein Bashari; Mojgan azimi; Hosein Bagheri; Morteza Akbar zadeh; Hasan Kaboli
Volume 13, Issue 4 , February 2007, , Pages 296-313
Rangelands have important role in economy of country because of providing forage for animals, soil and water conservation and other services giving to society. Therefore their careful management is necessary. To do this, main vegetative stepic regions of Qum province were ...
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Rangelands have important role in economy of country because of providing forage for animals, soil and water conservation and other services giving to society. Therefore their careful management is necessary. To do this, main vegetative stepic regions of Qum province were selected. In each community a key area was determined to establish a permanent site, so eight key areas were selected in the whole province. In each site four parallel, 400 meter transects were established. Canopy cover and yield within 60 quadrates in two square meter areas, along each transect were measured each year. According to the results, Qum's rangelands contain poor vegetation composition with low cover percentage and yield. Desirable species were absent in vegetation composition and moderate and non-desirable species made major part of vegetation cover and yield. Most Qum's rangelands suffer from over grazing and should be recovered by a suitable management program. Results showed significant relationships (P<0.05) between canopy cover and forage yield of studied species during 6 years (1999-2004). However regression models calculated based on correlation between cover and yield varied due to seasonal condition in each year.
Ali Akbar Jamali; Jamal Ghodousi; Mahdi Farahpour
Volume 14, Issue 2 , January 2007, , Pages 261-270
Composing multi criteria and factors and do right decision making in rangelands for Biological soil Erosion Control is very complicate and strongly need to apply computer and spatial decision support systems. With these and experience a decision maker can show the best solution fast. Hable Roud ...
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Composing multi criteria and factors and do right decision making in rangelands for Biological soil Erosion Control is very complicate and strongly need to apply computer and spatial decision support systems. With these and experience a decision maker can show the best solution fast. Hable Roud watershed had many spatial data that provided by companies and organizations. Rangelands in this watershed were selected. A model for compositing the natural suitable spatial factors (sediment discharge, slope, rainfall, Range Factors: animal unit month, range trend, range condition), economic (proximity to road, proximity to villages, proximity to rivers, proximity to wells, proximity to spring) and constraints (slope, land use, village, roads, rivers, and rainfall shortage) was designed for suitable biological soil erosion control planning. Then they were standardized in value range between 0 & 1. they were weighted by analytical hierarchical processing (AHP). Of course some cases were weighted by direct method. Compositing of these layers were done by spatial multi criteria evaluation (SMCE). Output was composite index map. This map was classified by its histogram, and identified in each class which measure should be done. Biological soil erosion control plan was recommended (manure spreading, seeding with manure spreading, seedling and enclosure).
Abolfazl Sayari; Sadegh Khalilian
Volume 9, Issue 3 , September 2001, , Pages 1267-1282