Abdolhamid Hajebi; Mohammad Amin Soltanipoor; Mohammad Fayaz; Ehsan Zandiesfahan
Volume 29, Issue 4 , January 2023, , Pages 485-497
One of the important factors in determining the grazing capacity of rangelands is determining the preferred value of rangeland plants according to the type of livestock using the rangeland and its changes during the grazing season. In this study, the preference value of rangeland species in Zaminsang ...
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One of the important factors in determining the grazing capacity of rangelands is determining the preferred value of rangeland plants according to the type of livestock using the rangeland and its changes during the grazing season. In this study, the preference value of rangeland species in Zaminsang rangeland in Hormozgan province in the months of grazing season (January to May) and different years (2007-2010) was investigated. To determine the preference value, the method of utilization percentage of plant species and determination of preference index were used. The results were analyzed in a split plot statistical design in time in a randomized complete block design in SAS software and the statistical mean of the studied trait was compared with LSD test. The results showed that the most preferred livestock is primarily Aeluropus lagopoides and Atriplex leucoclada and Alhagi graecorum. The lowest percentage of exploitation was from Halocnemum strobilaceum and Desmostachya bipinnata. Based on the preference value index classification, Aeluropus lagopoides and Atriplex leucoclada species are relatively palatable species (relative preference), Alhagi graecorum and Halocnemum strobilaceum species are moderately palatable species (moderate preference) and Desmostachya bipinnata was one of the almost non-palatable (relative avoidance) species.
Mohammad Reza Najibzadeh; Mina Bayat; Mohammad Hasan Pezeshki; Mohammad Fayyaz
Volume 28, Issue 2 , June 2021, , Pages 208-221
In this research, the preference value of rangeland species in Sahand rangelands of East Azarbayjan province was studied for four years (2007-2010). The preference index method was used for this purpose. After determining the amount of production and consumption of each species selected in the grazing ...
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In this research, the preference value of rangeland species in Sahand rangelands of East Azarbayjan province was studied for four years (2007-2010). The preference index method was used for this purpose. After determining the amount of production and consumption of each species selected in the grazing season (June, July, August, and September) and calculating the share of each species in the forage production of the region and livestock feed, and calculating the preference index, the data analyzed in split-plot design based on the completely randomized design in SAS software. The results showed that the effect of the year in three species, the effect of the month in four species, and the interaction of year and four species at (p≤0.01) were significant on the preference index. The preference index is a very important factor in determining the preference value of plant species for livestock. The species of Festuca rubra, Tanacetum chiliophyllum, with an average preference index of 1.4 to 1.6 during four-year, has a relative preference and is a relatively benign species and was placed in the palatable class I. Tanacetum chiliophyllum, with the highest average preference index, was ranked first among all herbaceous species. The species of Bromus tomentellus, Festuca ovina, Alopecorus textilis with an average preference index of 0.7 to 1.2 were of moderate preference and were classified as moderate in palatability and classified in the palatability class II. Astragalus aureus, with an average preference index of about 0.3, had a relative preference, and this species was almost non-chewed and ranked in the palatable class III. Overall, the results of this study showed that the preference value of Festuca rubra and Tanacetum chiliophyllum was more than the other species, and the sheep preferred the forbs, followed by grasses and shrubs for sheep grazing.
Mohammad Zadbar; Somayyeh Naseri; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 23, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 744-759
Environmental factors including rainfall are the factors affecting palatability of plants and consequently the preference value for animals. In this study, the preference value of plants was determined in Sarakhs (winter rangeland at North-East of Khorassan province) by timing method during 2007 to 2010 ...
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Environmental factors including rainfall are the factors affecting palatability of plants and consequently the preference value for animals. In this study, the preference value of plants was determined in Sarakhs (winter rangeland at North-East of Khorassan province) by timing method during 2007 to 2010 for the two first months of growing season (March and April).The results showed that Artemisia diffiusa, Carex physioides and Poa bulbosa were grazed in all four years by livestock, indicating that these species were more palatable. The preference value of the species differed between drought and normal years.According to the obtained results,a high correlation was found between the grazing time of Poa bulbosa and pervious rainfalls.Also, a significant relationship was found between the grazing time of Carex physioides in March and the rainfall of autumn, January and total rainfall of February and March.A significant correlation was also found between the grazing time of Artemisia diffusa in March, and the rainfall of January, total rainfall of autumn and December, and total rainfall of autumn, January, and February. This research was aimed to determine the seasonal and annual forage preference value with regard to the rainfall fluctuations in Sarakhs rangelands.
Gholamhosein Rahmani; Reza Bagheri; Ahmad Pourmirzaee
Volume 23, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 29-36
Preference value is defined as selection of available species by livestock. In this study, the preference value of 12 perennial species and annual grasses was determined for five months in semi-steppe rangelands of Kerman. The average annual rainfall of the study area is 270 mm. The obtained data were ...
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Preference value is defined as selection of available species by livestock. In this study, the preference value of 12 perennial species and annual grasses was determined for five months in semi-steppe rangelands of Kerman. The average annual rainfall of the study area is 270 mm. The obtained data were analyzed using SAS statistical software based on a factorial design and mean comparisons were performed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. According to the results, significant differences were found among the study species as well as the interaction effect of species in month (p < 0.01). In addition, a higher preference value was recorded for annual and perennial grasses.
Gholamreza Naseri; Ghasemali Abrsaji; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 22, Issue 2 , August 2015, , Pages 373-381
This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found ...
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This research was aimed to study the preference value of range species in Til Abad rangelands. To determine the preference value, timing method as well as measuring the production and consumption of species was used. According to the results of analysis of variance, significant differences were found for the study species in timing method, so that maximum consumption time was recorded for Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species, respectively. The results of species utilization percentage also showed that there were significant differences among the study species. The highest consumption rate was recorded for Poa bulbosa and annual species. Artemisia sieberi, Festuca ovina and Stipa barbata had an average preference value; however, Poa bulbosa and annual species were relatively palatable. Our results clearly showed that species density and abundance and access to forage species strongly affected the preference value. Generally, in bothe methods studied, Artemisia sieberi, Poa bulbosa and annual species were more grazed as compared to other species.
Mohammad Fayaz; Seyed Hamid Habibian; Hasan Yeganeh; Avar Sanaie
Volume 22, Issue 1 , June 2015, , Pages 1-11
In this research, the preference value of range species for sheep and goat was studied in the Cheshme-Anjir rangelands of Fars province during four years (2007-2010). Direct observation (timing) method was used during the grazing months (June, July, August and September). In each month, around one to ...
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In this research, the preference value of range species for sheep and goat was studied in the Cheshme-Anjir rangelands of Fars province during four years (2007-2010). Direct observation (timing) method was used during the grazing months (June, July, August and September). In each month, around one to two hours after entering livestock to the rangeland, livestock grazing was filmed for 30 minutes and was transferred to the computer to determine the time of grazing for each species. In addition, the frequency and duration of the use of each species in the mentioned months was examined. Afterward, data were analyzed by SAS software in a completely randomized block design. Results showed that there was significant difference (p<0.01) among the species studied in terms of time percentage and grazing frequency. However, the effect of month and month*species for time percentage and grazing frequency treatments was not significant. The results of preference value of species showed that maximum time percentage and grazing frequency for sheep and goat was on annual grasses+ forbs, and in general, results showed that goat was a browser livestock and sheep was a grazer livestock.
Seyed ali Hoseini; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 21, Issue 3 , December 2014, , Pages 424-434
Determining the preference value of range plant species and its variation during the grazing season is one of the factors affecting the grazing capacity of rangeland. This study was conducted in semi steppe rangelands of Saraliabad Gorgan, located 45 km far from south Gorgan. Saraliabad rangelands have ...
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Determining the preference value of range plant species and its variation during the grazing season is one of the factors affecting the grazing capacity of rangeland. This study was conducted in semi steppe rangelands of Saraliabad Gorgan, located 45 km far from south Gorgan. Saraliabad rangelands have important role because of providing required forage especially at the times that all plain lands of the province are under planting of agricultural products. This research was aimed to determine the preference value of rangeland species for four years and during the three months of livestock presence on rangeland through estimating the consumption rate. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and mean comparison was performed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Results showed that there were significant differences between the preference index of species, years and months (P<0.01). According to the consumption percentage, the preference value of the most species was medium (class II), except Cousinia glaucopsis, classified as a non-palatable species (class III). The highest preference value was recorded for Medicago lupulina, Achillea millefolium, Galium verum and Medicago sativa, respectively and the lowest was obtained for Cousinia glaucopsis.
Mohammad Fayaz; Hasan Yeganeh; Mirtaher Ghaemi; Hosein Piri Sahragard; Mehdi Moameri
Volume 21, Issue 3 , December 2014, , Pages 482-493
Knowledge of preference value of rangeland species during the grazing period is essential for range management and planning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the preference value of plant species grazed by crossbreed cows during the grazing period in Tezkharab Rangeland of West Azerbaijan ...
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Knowledge of preference value of rangeland species during the grazing period is essential for range management and planning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the preference value of plant species grazed by crossbreed cows during the grazing period in Tezkharab Rangeland of West Azerbaijan Province using species selection index. The data required were collected over six months of grazing season for four years to calculate the species selection index. According to the obtained results, the effects of species, grazing time and their interaction were significant on species preference value. Maximum and minimum preference values were recorded for Aeluropus littoralis (1.48, class I) and Halocenumum strobilaceum (0.14, class III), respectively. The preference value changes of the studied species were constant during the months of grazing season as well as the years. Overall, available forage of halophytes in saline rangelands of Urmia could be estimated using the data of preference value.
Jamal Hasani; Mohammad Fayaz
Volume 21, Issue 2 , August 2014, , Pages 357-367
This study was performed in the Qorveh rangeland of Kurdistan for five years (2006-2010) to determine the preference value of range species and grazing behavior. The preference value of range species was measured with two methods (time study and preference index). According to the obtained results, significant ...
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This study was performed in the Qorveh rangeland of Kurdistan for five years (2006-2010) to determine the preference value of range species and grazing behavior. The preference value of range species was measured with two methods (time study and preference index). According to the obtained results, significant differences were found for the years and plant species in terms of grazing time percentage, at 1% level of probability. Mean comparison of grazing time percentage showed that Bromus tomentellus with an average of 12.31% together with annuals was classified in one class, and Galium verum, Thymus daenensis, Pterocephalus canus, Poa bulbosa and other species were classified in another class. The lowest grazing time percentage (0.33%) was recorded for Prangos ferulacea. Our results clearly showed that Stipa bromoiedes and Festuca ovina were much less grazed by livestock.
Mostafah Zare; Mohammad Fayyaz; Gholamreza Goudarzi; Ali Farmahini farahani
Volume 19, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 178-190
The preference value is defined as selection of available species by livestock in the free grazing. This study was conducted in semi steppe rangelands of Anjedan located 35 Km far from east Arak. These rangelands are of important centers for keeping livestock which is under heavy grazing with a poor ...
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The preference value is defined as selection of available species by livestock in the free grazing. This study was conducted in semi steppe rangelands of Anjedan located 35 Km far from east Arak. These rangelands are of important centers for keeping livestock which is under heavy grazing with a poor condition. The soil of the study area is loamy with high stone and gravel. This study was performed to determine the preference value of important species for sheep to support palatable species in range management plans. Direct observation (timing) method was used to calculate the time spent on livestock grazing and presence during grazing season for 3 years. Afterward, data were analyzed by SAS software in a complete random block design and Duncan test was used for mean comparisons. The results showed the preference value in different season grazing months significantly differed (p<0.01). Generally, annual grasses and forbsshowed maximum preference value. Plant litters, Bromus tomentelus, Artemisia aucheri, Buffonia koelzii respectively ranked next in terms of preference value.
Jaber Sharifi; Amrali Shahmoradi; Ali Akbar Emani
Volume 17, Issue 2 , September 2010, , Pages 221-233
In order to recognize, find and use applicable information in range management and forage production, surveying of ecological characteristics of Astragalus brachyodontus were carried out. The method of studying was as following. At the first step, we used a map of vegetation cover and surveyed range ...
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In order to recognize, find and use applicable information in range management and forage production, surveying of ecological characteristics of Astragalus brachyodontus were carried out. The method of studying was as following. At the first step, we used a map of vegetation cover and surveyed range ecosystems to determine the habitats of this species in Ardebil province. Then, in every region, considering area and vegetation cover, we selected about six sites to study different ecological characteristics of the plant. In each of these areas, The factors related to total canopy cover, species frequency and amount of forage yield were measured. Also some qualitative characteristics such as root system, stem, seed quality, regeneration, preference value and chemical composition of the plant were studied. Results showed that this species is found between 1100 m to 2200 m above sea level in Ardabil province. Generally, the individuals of this species are distributed in mountain hills. Slopes of the habitats are 5 to 30 percent with south and south eastern aspects. Mid-term average of annual precipitation is 385 millimeters and average annual temperature is 17 degree centigrade. This species grows on soils with pH of about 7 and soils textures of sandy lome to clay lome. In terms of canopy cover, this species includes 5 to 15 percent of the vegetation. Depth of root system in soil vary form 30 to 80 centimeters. In habitats with 1500 meters elevation, vegetative growth starts in mid April. Completion of vegetative growth is in late May. Full flowering, seed ripening, and seed dissemination occurs in early June, early July, and late July, respectively. For this plant species, seed production and regeneration is relatively high in exclosure areas which are protected against grazing. In grazed areas, however, regeneration is low. Based on feeding minutes, preference value of this range plant species is very high. Considering forage digestibility and the amount of crude protein for this species, the best time to graze it is the time of flowering stage. The important pest of this species is a kind of small wasp from Eurytomidae family that feeds from the kernels of seeds and causes hollowness in them.
Abbas Ahmadi; Maryam Peiravi
Volume 16, Issue 4 , January 2010, , Pages 536-550
As animals graze selectively, prediction of their nutrient intake and intensity of the impact on rangelands vegetation needs an understanding of the animals’ foraging decisions. Therefore, a study area was selected in steppe rangelands in Qom province and one enclosure (1ha. area) was contracted ...
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As animals graze selectively, prediction of their nutrient intake and intensity of the impact on rangelands vegetation needs an understanding of the animals’ foraging decisions. Therefore, a study area was selected in steppe rangelands in Qom province and one enclosure (1ha. area) was contracted in which forage plants production and intake were measured during grazing period. The feeding behaviour of 3 Zandi ewes (1, 3 and 5 years old) in free grazing system was evaluated considering the plant palatability and preference value based on close observation method in each month of grazing season. Then diet composition and preference index for each plant species were calculated and compared. Grazing cycle, distance and motivation speed and time spent for grazing / resting or walking were assessed using GPS equipment mounted on the back of the sheep. The results showed that during grazing season Buffunia macrocarpa and Annuals (grasses and forbs) had the highest preference index and diet composition. Diet selection and time spent on forage plants varied slightly among three ewe ages (p<0.01). There was no correlation between two evaluation methods of preference (paired plots and close observation). Considering the plants phenology and soil moisture conditions, middle Farvardin (April) for entrance and late Aban (November) for exit of livestock were proposed. The highest percentage of grazing time occurred in Farvardin and the lowest one was in Tir(June). Because of low species diversity, in arid rangelands, livestock diet selection will be restricted. Animal experience, plant’s flavor, plant cover and composition were the most effective factors on sheep preference. Due to high diversity and grazing on shrubs, grasses and forbs, Zandi sheep could be classified as Intermediatefeeders, in Yekke bagh rangeland.
Hamid reza Mirdavudi; Abassali Sanadgol
Volume 16, Issue 2 , December 2009, , Pages 190-199
In this research, first of all the key and important species as well as associated species of rangelands were recognized, then morphological and seasonal changes and preference value were determined on the selected species such as Artemisia aucheri, Kochia prostrata, Bromus tomentellus, Asperula glomerata ...
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In this research, first of all the key and important species as well as associated species of rangelands were recognized, then morphological and seasonal changes and preference value were determined on the selected species such as Artemisia aucheri, Kochia prostrata, Bromus tomentellus, Asperula glomerata and Buffonia cf.koelzii. In this research phonological stages of plants divided into 3 main stages including vegetative, flowering and seed maturity. Species preference values were studied with the method of time measurement. Effective factors on species palatability such as morphological characteristics, phonology, and chemical factors (Carbohydrates, Hemi cellulose, Protein…) of the species also were investigated. In the final step, data obtained in measurement time method were compared with environmental and morphological characteristics of the species as well as forage quality. The palatable species such as Bromus tomentellus, Asperula glomerata, Buffonia cf.koelzii and annual grasses were severally grazed in early time of the season. Rate of the grazing of, the species As. glomerata, Bu. cf.koelzii, Br. tomentellus and Ar.aucheri were 56, 59, 74 and 43 percent respectively. The laboratory analysis of forage quality also showed that there are positive correlation between moisture, protein and soluble sugar percentage with rate of forage use percentage. The regression equation showed that the amount of humidity, protein and soluble sugar with 56, 21 and 10 percent respectively shared in this model and high correlation of these factors showed their important role.
Farhad Azhir; Amrali Shahmoradi
Volume 14, Issue 3 , January 2007, , Pages 359-367
Accessibility to a major portion of information about vegetation cover function of rangeland ecosystem is provided by the way of autecological study of range plant species. Autecological study of a range plant named Ferula ovina was accomplished in Tehran province. Topographic, edaphic, and climatic ...
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Accessibility to a major portion of information about vegetation cover function of rangeland ecosystem is provided by the way of autecological study of range plant species. Autecological study of a range plant named Ferula ovina was accomplished in Tehran province. Topographic, edaphic, and climatic characteristics of the species's habitat were determined. The canopy cover, density, frequency, and preference value of the plant were measured. Names of other species which are accompanied with Ferula ovina in its major ecosystem were listed. The results showed that habitat elevation for this species is 2000 to 3200 meters above sea level. Topographic aspect is not a major limitation for its growth. At its habitats, average annual precipitation is about 400 mm. Mean annual temperature is 8 centigrade. Its major ecosystem includes geological layers of tuff, limestone, shale, conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and clay stone. This plant prefers loamy and/or sandy-loamy soils. Electrical conductivity of soil at different parts of the habitat indicates less than 1.0 ds/m. A range of 7.0 – 7.5 was observed for soil pH. In rangelands in which vegetation is dominated by this species, its percent canopy cover, frequency, and density are 12.35% , 81.62%, and 16750 plants per hectare, respectively. Its root system includes a main root and a few distributed roots. Vegetation growth of this plant starts in early May. Its flowering stage is in 5th to 20th of June, and seed ripening stage is in the fourth week of June. The plant propagates only by seeds. When plant is green, it is not grazed by livestock such as sheep and goat. However, it is harvested and stored as livestock fodder in fall and winter. The main insect seen on the plant is a butterfly named Malocosma sp.
Seyed Ali Hoseini
Volume 9, Issue 2 , September 2001, , Pages 485-504