Document Type : Research Paper
In the wind erosion process, there are three areas: detachment area, transport area and deposition area. The prevention of sediments movement in the detachment area is a basic task. Knowing origin of sediments of sand dunes, the recognition of the detachment regions is necessary. In order to origin study of eolian sediments in the Mokhtaran plateau, step-by-step method (Ekhtesasi-Ahmadi) was used. This study is done at tow stages: direction finding and location finding. To direction finding of taking sector, firstly by questionnaire completion, local winds information were gathered. Then satellite image (ETM+, 2002) and field investigations, the erg morphological map was provided. By studying of wind regime and wind rose drawing, the erosive winds were recognized. After recognition of taking sector (surrounding pediments of sand dunes), the location finding phase was started. In this stage by geomorphologic studying of taking sector and sampling into facieses, the mineralogical and morphoscopical studies of sand dunes and taking sector sediments were done. At least, the study shows that KUPH (schist and phyllit), Colored melonged and other sensitive formations in the east and southeast areas are basic sources of eolian sediments for Mokhtaran erg, which deposited by water erosion in the different parts of Mokhtaran plateau. In consequence of east and southeast erosive winds, these sediments are taken and deposited around of DAGH. These sediments were displaced so much time by winds that have different directions inside of the erg (north and northwest winds) and formed pyramid sand dunes. Thus in order to preventing of wind erosion, the initial sources i.e. KUPH formation and surrounding pediments must have in mind.